Solid hw spiral router cutters z=3 (rough cut/finishing cut)

Precision tools for CNC machines


For boring and sizing on solid wood, chipboard and fibre materials (MDF - HDF).

Product for

CNC router.


RH Z = 3 Up-cut spiral. Manufactured with micrograin solid carbide HW. With 3 positive spiral cutting edges and upward chip evacuation, special chipbreaker design grant a good surface finishing with higher feed speed.

Slide the table to the right

Code D I L
Code D I L
4197 080 022 8 22 70
4197 080 032 8 32 80
4197 080 042 8 42 100
4197 100 032 10 32 80
4197 100 042 10 42 100
4197 100 052 10 52 100
4197 120 032 12 32 80
4197 120 042 12 42 100
4197 120 052 12 52 100
4197 140 032 14 32 80
4197 140 042 14 42 100
4197 140 052 14 52 100
4197 160 042 16 42 100
4197 160 052 16 52 100
4197 160 072 16 72 120
4197 180 052 18 52 100
4197 180 072 18 72 120
4197 200 052 20 52 100
4197 200 072 20 72 120
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Solid hw spiral router cutters z=3 (rough cut/finishing cut)

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