High precision collet chuck - iso 30 shank

Precision tools for CNC machines


ISO 30 (Taper)
ISO 30 (With spindle)

Slide the table to the right

Code D A L Collet Lock nut Rotation Description Taper Machine
Code D A L Collet Lock nut Rotation Description Taper Machine
4113 010 001 50 55 ∅3÷20 (art. 4116) ER 32 (art. 4118) Dx/Rh ISO 30 Morbidelli,SCM
4113 010 002 50 55 ∅3÷20 (art. 4116) ER 32 (art. 4118) Sx/Lh ISO 30 Morbidelli,SCM
4113 020 001 63 55 ∅3÷25 (art. 4116) ER 40 (art. 4118) Dx/Rh ISO 30 Morbidelli,SCM
4113 020 002 63 55 ∅3÷25 (art. 4116) ER 40 (art. 4118) Sx/Lh ISO 30 Morbidelli,SCM
4113 030 001 60 72 ∅3÷25 (art. 4116) Din 6388 (art. 4118) Dx/Rh ISO 30 Morbidelli,SCM
4113 030 002 60 72 ∅3÷25 (art. 4116) Din 6388 (art. 4118) Sx/Lh ISO 30 Morbidelli,SCM
4113 100 001 30 35 70 With spindle ISO 30
4113 100 002 30 35 100 With spindle ISO 30
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High precision collet chuck - iso 30 shank

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