6207 - 6208

Diamond compact radius hoggers (eco type).

Diamonds Tools


For raw and coated chipboard, MDF , HDF panels.

Product for

Double-end tenoners and edge trimming machines.


Profiled and negative thoot shape with constant radius for excellent finishing and longer cutting life. Possible to sharpen 2 or 3 times MAX. N. max 7000 min-1

mec DP

Slide the table to the right

Code Description D B d NL Z S
Code Description D B d NL Z S
6207 220 001 Lh Rotation 220 16 - - 24+4 (28) 2,5
6208 220 001 Rh Rotation 220 16 - - 24+4 (28) 2,5
6207 220 002 Lh Rotation 220 16 - - 28+4 (32) 2,5
6208 220 002 Rh Rotation 220 16 - - 28+4 (32) 2,5
6207 220 003 Lh Rotation 220 16 - - 36+6 (42) 2,5
6208 220 003 Rh Rotation 220 16 - - 36+6 (42) 2,5
6207 250 001 Lh Rotation 250 16 - - 24+4 (28) 2,5
6208 250 001 Rh Rotation 250 16 - - 24+4 (28) 2,5
6207 250 002 Lh Rotation 250 16 - - 28+4 (32) 2,5
6208 250 002 Rh Rotation 250 16 - - 28+4 (32) 2,5
6207 250 003 Lh Rotation 250 16 - - 36+6 (42) 2,5
6208 250 003 Rh Rotation 250 16 - - 36+6 (42) 2,5
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Diamond compact radius hoggers (eco type).

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