7165 - 7166

Hw hinge boring bits

Dowell drills bits
z2+2 hw

Slide the table to the right

Code Description D L
Code Description D L
7165 200 030 Rh Rotation 20 30
7166 200 030 Lh Rotation 20 30
7165 250 030 Rh Rotation 25 30
7166 250 030 Lh Rotation 25 30
7165 300 030 Rh Rotation 30 30
7166 300 030 Lh Rotation 30 30
7165 320 030 Rh Rotation 32 30
7166 320 030 Lh Rotation 32 30
7165 350 030 Rh Rotation 35 30
7166 350 030 Lh Rotation 35 30
7165 380 030 Rh Rotation 38 30
7166 380 030 Lh Rotation 38 30
7165 400 030 Rh Rotation 40 30
7166 400 030 Lh Rotation 40 30
7165 450 030 Rh Rotation 45 30
7165 500 030 Rh Rotation 50 30
7165 600 030 Rh Rotation 60 30
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Hw hinge boring bits

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