Mitre joint cutterheads 45°

Cutter Heads


Production of 45° lock mitre joint.

Product for



Manufactured with solid carbide micrograin knives. The mitre joint is done in two steps, first with workpiece in horizontal position and then with workpiece in vertical position. n 4.300/7.800 min-1 Foro d.max 50 mm (please state on the order).

mec z2+2 hw

Slide the table to the right

Code D Type H Key Knife Wedge Spur Groove insert Screw Spur screw Insert screw
Code D Type H Key Knife Wedge Spur Groove insert Screw Spur screw Insert screw
2420 000 001 180 B 16.40 8350.040.000 8170.060.025 8280.560.000 8142.050.025 8285.008.000 8305.005.000
2420 000 002 148 8350.040.000 8108.120.012 8280.100.000 8120.140.002 8285.008.000 8295.005.000
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Mitre joint cutterheads 45°

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