Minizinken finger joint cutter

Cutter Heads


For cutting finger joints with the grain. For production of supporting construction parts and panels on soft and hard woods.


Designed with 6 straight cuts • HS for soft wood. • HW for hard wood (art. 1750) increase 15% n. max 6.000 min -1

mec z6 hw-hss

Slide the table to the right

Code D B P
Code D B P
1 1745.250.001 250 28,6 10/10
1 1745.250.002 250 28,6 10/11
2 1745.260.001* 260 28,6 15/15
2 1745.260.002* 260 28,6 15/16,5
3 1745.260.003* 260 33 20/20
3 1745.260.004* 260 33 20/22
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Minizinken finger joint cutter

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