Profile cutters for kitchen doors

Cutter Heads


Set of 2 cutters for profiling of kitchen doors

Product for



Designed with shear cutting angle for very good finishing on the wood • Adjustable with spacers to work different thickness of wood • Grooving cutter adjustable by rings and profiled for bevelled groove. D. 140 - n. 5.200-9.000 min -1 D. 160 - n. 4.800-8.200 min -1

mec z4 hw

Slide the table to the right

Code D B
Code D B
1120 140 030 140 30
1120 140 035 140 35
1120 140 040 140 40
1120 160 030 160 30
1120 160 035 160 35
1120 160 040 160 40
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Profile cutters for kitchen doors

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