Adjustable scoring saw blades without spacers

HW Circular Sawblades

Slide the table to the right

Code D S b d NL Z
Code D S b d NL Z
9047 120 28 22 F12 120 2,8:3,8 2,2 22+4 Martin 12+12
9047 120 28 50 F12 120 2,8:3,8 2,2 50+4 Altendorf 12+12
9047 125 28 30 F12 125 2,8:3,6 2,2 30+12 Griggio 12+12
9047 125 40 20 F30 125 4,0:4,4 2,2 20+4+1 Gabbiani 30+30
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Adjustable scoring saw blades without spacers

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