Edgebanding jointig cutter with pcd changeable inserts.

Diamonds Tools


Premilling cutter for finishing on MDF or particleboard coated panels.

Product for

Edge banding machines.


Manufactured with ERGAL resistant special light alloy, changeable and sharpenable PCD inserts H3 mm positioned at 45° shear angle – asymmetrical design, balanced G2,5 at 18000 RPM. 

mec DP3 z3+3

Slide the table to the right

Code Description D B B1 d Z N° of tips PCD Knife Screw
Code Description D B B1 d Z N° of tips PCD Knife Screw
6386 080 034 Lh Rotation 80 34 44 30DKN 3+3 12
6386 080 048 Rh Rotation 80 48 58 30DKN 3+3 18
6386 080 063 Lh Rotation 80 63 73 30DKN 3+3 18
6386 100 034 Rh Rotation 100 34 44 30DKN 3+3 12
6386 100 048 Lh Rotation 100 48 58 30DKN 3+3 18
6386 100 063 Rh Rotation 100 63 73 30DKN 3+3 18
6386 125 034 Lh Rotation 125 34 44 30DKN 3+3 12
6386 125 048 Rh Rotation 125 48 58 30DKN 3+3 18
6386 125 063 Lh Rotation 125 63 73 30DKN 3+3 18
6389 160 033 Rh Rotation 16x15x3
8310 005 000 Lh Rotation M5x15 T20
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Edgebanding jointig cutter with pcd changeable inserts.

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