Solid hw spiral router cutters z=3 for lock-case bupdia coated

Catalogue update


Lock-case horizontal cut on doors and windows.

Product for

CNC router.


RH Z = 3 Up-cut spiral. Manufactured with micrograin solid carbide HW. With 3 positive spiral cutting edges upward chip evacuation, chipreaker cut design. Special BUPDIA Coating improve chip evacuation granting longer cutting life respect to a non-coated cutter. 

Slide the table to the right

Code D I S L
Code D I S L
4240 140 100 14 45 95 150
4240 160 100 16 45 95 150
4240 160 120 16 45 120 170
4240 180 100 18 45 95 150
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Solid hw spiral router cutters z=3 for lock-case bupdia coated

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