Special solid hw profile knives


Manufactured with micrograin solid carbide. Different hardness depending on the type of wood or panel.

Slide the table to the right

Code B H S N° of holes
Code B H S N° of holes
8175 050 040 50 40 2 3
8175 050 045 50 45 2 3
8175 060 050 60 50 2 3
8175 070 030 70 30 2 2
8175 070 035 70 35 2 2
8175 080 020 80 20 2 2
8175 080 025 80 25 2 2
8175 080 030 80 30 2 2
8175 080 035 80 35 2 2
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Special solid hw profile knives

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